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SAMA STARS FOR TRADINGS GmbH was founded as family business, Family members who they Registered in different Scientific and engineering competence, with holds degrees in In these diverse fields. The company was founded and continues to operate based on the principle of providing high quality service throughout the design, process and continuing after the services was done. Besides than providing comprehensive services to complete the services, SST GmbH also take pride in another and various other professionals Consultants and services in, General Trading and Manufacturing, Customer Services and supply, Technology Arts, Architect, Oil Services, Mechanics. Direct or indirect our company able to deliver as special services and Consultants through its Team or high qualified Partners.
General trading is the main and one of the most important parts on the SAMA STARS FOR TRADING GmbH company because of the focus is always on the search about the best and to provide always the best. The difficulty in this part is because of the company's eagerness to offer the highest quality of services to the customers and clients and to build sold and long term relationships with customers. 
Experience of over nearly twenty years in the field of technology for our professionals engineers makes us and from the testimony of customers who we dealt with them as one of the best providers of technical services and solutions in the field of technology. Only the customer request and our excellence team makes any solution for any appropriate particular request and under any circumstances based to the customer's desire.
We've Built our Reputation on Excellence Logistic through high standing in the field of transportation through commitment and discipline and provide better services to customers, particularly customers who are bound together with our company's via close working relationship so we do not consider ourselves the best in this area, but we are very distinct by our dedication to provide better services to the customers.
Our Consulting Services helps you to make solid decisions about your projects. Our consultants help with decisions regarding design, implementation, develop, and general best practices. Our engineers and consultants and due the nearly 20 years of experience can bring to you invaluable experience to help you in moving to a solution suitable for your specific requirements.
An opportunity to gain employment with our company is very high, Especially the diversity of the company's work. So to all believes in the their efficiency to deliver what is required to the company. Please send your Resume to e-mail below or follow-up to the company's website on an ongoing basis for new vacancies 
Currently there are no available vacancies 
Want to know more? You can contact us by this Informations.
 To communicate with our company, according to the relevant sections please send your request to the appropriate section, as follows:  
Vienna Main Office for general Information: office@sst-gmbh.at  
Technical Services: tech@sst-gmbh.at  
Logistics services: logistics@sst-gmbh.at  
Consulting Services: commercial@sst-gmbh.at  
Iraq Office Partner: iraq@sst-gmbh.at 
Offices Phone No's:  
+43 676 952 0058  
+43 681 815 60601  
+43 677 614 814 73  
+964 7707 066 001  
+964 7830 709 900

Vertexgasse 29  
A-1230 Vienna  
Company Registration No: FN 463536 x  
Company UID Number: ATU71996067  
Bank Info:  
Erste Bank-Vienna  
IBAN: AT67 3200 0000 1209 6814
All rights reserved. © 2017 SAMA STARS FOR TRADING GmbH